The perfect breast augmentation combination – breast implants and fat transfer!
July 23, 2021Hello to all my readers, this week I have a new story to share about a young patient who came from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Costa Rica last Friday to get the breast augmentation she always dreamed of! She went to see her plastic surgeon with the idea of only getting breast implants, but to her surprise the plastic surgeon offered her something even better to give her the perfect breast augmentation:
He said to her: “in your situation breast implants alone will not fully meet your goals” and he recommended that she have a combination of breast implants along with a fat transfer to the breasts. This was because she has a wide chest wall and the breasts are already spaced far apart and breast implants alone would not give her the cleavage she desires. He explained that this kind of subtle and discreet enhancement can be done with a fat transfer.
So she ended up getting something else done that she had always wanted to do, and that was having liposuction of the love handles, flanks and abdomen to tone up her abdomen and hips and at the same time transferring the fat to her breasts to enhance and refine her breast augmentation even more!
The doctor told her something very important about how, only in certain instances, that fat transfer to the breasts can be effective.
“There are a few different types of augmentations that can utilize fat transfer: Primary augmentation with implants and fat, primary augmentation with fat alone, revision augmentation with fat transfer, and implant removal with fat transfer to restore volume. Fat transfer can also be used to reshape and contour the cleavage area if you are having a breast lift or reduction.”
He went on to say that fat transfer techniques should be tailored to meet specific needs. For those looking for a larger boost and improvement in their cleavage, an implant in addition to fat transfer can provide a better result. For those who want a smaller increase in size but do not want an implant, augmentation with fat alone may be recommended.”
Many patients can expect a subtle result from a breast augmentation with fat transfer only. Usually about half a cup size increase.
Fat transfer can also be used for those that are having a breast lift or reduction in order to add volume and improve the contour and shape of the breasts.
As I tell patients coming to Costa Rica, it is important to ask your plastic surgeon everything there is to know about your surgery ahead of time. You’ll also want to discuss with your plastic surgeon how to prepare for the procedure. That way, you’ll be ready for what’s to come and your plastic surgeon will clearly understand your expectations.
What kind of results can you expect from a fat transfer to the breasts?
As with any procedure, results vary person-to-person. Your plastic surgeon will be able to guide you based on your goals and your body type. You will be advised if an implant alone will meet your needs, or if fat transfer is recommended as the primary procedure or supplemental to an implant. You will also discuss brand names, styles and shapes of breast implants, and expected cup size in your particular case.
What is recovery like?
Recovery from a breast augmentation with fat takes a little longer that an augmentation with implants alone. This is because liposuction is involved.
With a fat transfer, patients can expect more bruising of the breasts and there will be an immediate swelling afterwards. So, following surgery, the breasts are going to be fuller than expected because of swelling but this will subside within the first two to three weeks in my experience. It’s important to note that the fat is not disappearing when this happens, it’s just that the swelling is going down. Be sure to discuss what to expect in the recovery process for your specific procedure with your plastic surgeon.
As always, my blogs are not intended to give medical advice. Please be sure to see your doctor for advice and any exams needed for the procedures you want.
I hope this article is helpful to you all! Here I leave some good links for you to check out:
Best Plastic Surgeons in Costa Rica
Also consider recovering from your surgery here: